Saturday, May 26, 2007

Comments Policy

Comment Terms

1. You must be 13 years or older to use this Service.
2. You must be a human. Comments written by “bots” or other automated methods are not permitted.
3. You must provide your information requested from in order to complete the comment process.
4. You may not use the Service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You must not, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).

Violation of any of these agreements will result in the termination of your Account. While Medical Community prohibits such conduct and Content on the Service, you understand and agree that Medical Community cannot be responsible for the Content posted on the Service and you nonetheless may be exposed to such materials. You agree to use the Service at your own risk.

I want to communicate to readers of this blog what I think about comments.

1. I love comments on this blog - they are as important as anything in my blog. They add to the knowledge and community that we have here. If you want to comment then you’re more than welcome - feel free to have you say.

2. I delete spam - I dont have spam filters(I dont like them) but please dont spam.

3. Relevant links in comments are actively encouraged - if you’re leaving a comment on my blog and want to point to a link on your own or someone else’s site that is relevant to the topic then please feel free to do so, but be sure you don't linking to illegal or infringing copyrighted content.

4. The administrator of this site cannot be held responsible for what its users comments.


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