Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Role of Surgery In Heart Failure, Part II: An Issue of Heart Failure Clinics

Publisher: Saunders
Number Of Pages: 380
Publication Date: 2007-09-25
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1416054774

The Role of Surgery: Part II Heart Failure Clinics
Volume 3, Issue 3, Pages 259-380 (July 2007)
Stephen Westaby , Mario C. Deng , Karen Creason Sorenson

A Beloved Daughter at Two and a Half
Evolution Is Longer Lasting Than Revolution: Onward With Heart Failure Clinics
Symptomatic Relief: Left Ventricular Assist Devices Versus Resynchronization Therapy
Should Patients who have Persistent Severe Symptoms Receive a Left Ventricular Assist Device or Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy as the Next Step?
Does Myectomy Convey Survival Benefit in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?
Valve Pathology in Heart Failure: Which Valves Can Be Fixed?
Patients who Have Dilated Cardiomyopathy Must Have a Trial of Bridge to Recovery (Pro)
Patients Who Have Dilated Cardiomyopathy Must Have a Trial of Bridge to Recovery: The Case Against That Proposition
Cardiac Transplantation: Any Role Left?
Destination Therapy: Does Progress Depend on Left Ventricular Assist Device Development?
Lifetime Circulatory Support Must Not Be Restricted to Transplant Centers
| Tags: Cardiology |


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