Friday, January 25, 2008

Mastering Revision Rhinoplasty

Product Details
Book Publisher: Springer (02 March, 2006)
ISBN: 0387989048
Book author: Michael Evan Sachs
Amazon Rating:

Book Description:
With thousands of primary and secondary cases, Michael Evan Sachs has devoted his career to perfecting the art and science of rhinoplasty in general, and revision rhinoplasty in particular. Whether to improve form or function of a previous surgery or just to ensure the best possible result the first time this beautifully illustrated atlas has much to offer both experienced and beginning surgeons. This atlas illustrates not only how to repair problems, but also how to modify and refine basic surgical technique in order to minimize the incidence of failed procedures. Additionally, emphasis is placed on recognizing problems early. Although it is impossible for all primary rhinoplasties to turn out successfully, a large percentage of problems that lead to failed procedures can actually be identified and repaired immediately. By mastering the techniques in this book, a primary revision can be performed intraoperatively during the first procedure, thereby obviating the need for a secondary revisional surgery.
| Tags: Surgery, Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery |


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