Friday, October 19, 2007

Encyclopedia of Cancer, Second Edition, Four-Volume Set

Product Details
Book Publisher: Academic Press (03 July, 2002)
ISBN: 0122275551
Book author: Joseph R., Ed. Bertino

Book Description:
Since the publication of the first edition of the “Encyclopedia of Cancer”, an amazing amount of new information has been disseminated in the field of cancer research. This second edition strives to capture the advances occurring in the etiology, prevention, and treatment of cancer, from basic science to clinical application. By providing concise expositions on a broad range of topics, the Encyclopedia is an excellent resource for those seeking information beyond their specific areas of expertise. Written by a distinguished panel of authors, entries cover a variety of aspects of cancer such as oncology, immunology, epidemiology, gene therapy, oncogenes/tumor suppressor genes, and pharmacology.
| Tags: Oncology |


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